Star Wars: General Series Claim

May 11, 2012 09:03

Title: One Path/ Land and Sky/ Vader's Cat
Author: Lionchilde
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Various
Prompt: All
Word Count: 800,00
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: I've been on hiatus from fandom for a while due to poor health and kind of forgot that I had this claim still open and had not posted anything with it in a long time. The stories had been done, for the most part, I just forgot to post as I wrote them and then I went on hiatus. For that, I apologize. My claim is includes chapters of several complete epic works of fanfiction, one crackfic series, and some shorter pieces that are supplementary that to the epics. While I know that I should have posted more as I completed/worked on chapters, I lost track of a lot of things, so if this post is a problem, I will just drop the claim and the mods can delete the post.

One Path
This is an AU re-write of the Star Wars saga that starts during The Phantom Menace and progresses through Return of the Jedi. The main pairing is Obidala. Full information and author's notes can be found at the link below along with the chapters of the story. There are 240 chapters total and the prompts are only used for some of them.
Read One Path on shipper_asylum.

One Path: Coloring the Journey
A drabble collection set in the One Path 'verse from the characters' points of view.
Here on shipper_asylum.

One Path: Faith and Where It Leads You
A drabble collection set in the One Path 'verse from the characters' points of view.
Here on shipper_asylum

Land And Sky
This fic explores the possibility that Qui-Gon Jinn was injured on Naboo while attempting to rescue Queen Amidala from the Trade Federation. As such, Qui-Gon is forced to remain on the ship while Obi-Wan accompanies Padme and friends to Mos Espa. My full introduction and Author's Notes are here.

Read Episode I Here

Poetry Collection Post I| Poetry Collection Post 2

Enchanted-A Humor fic in the Land and Sky 'verse.

Places Brothers Go-A Prequel Story to Land and Sky about how Obi-Wan was brought to the Jedi temple on Coruscant, mainly told from the POV of his brother, Owen.
Vader's Cat

This is a crackfic series inspired by polgarawolf and starring...well...Vader's Cat.

Meet Vader's Cat

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