Oct 16, 2005 01:23
This is just for ease of reading and for where each post needs to be classified. Please put all works behind an lj-cut.
Subject line:
Title of piece, pairing, fandom, and challenge number with name (if name fits)
"Sample Piece" ABC/123 from "Made-Up-Ville" Theme #1 - At Twilight
Remember, this goes in your subject line.
Theme: (include the # and the theme name)
Rating: (G, PG, PG-13, etc.)
Disclaimer: (You need a disclaimer every time, especially if your couple are real people; you definitely need to state your works are purely fictional. If these are original characters, I highly suggest putting a claimer on them. ^^)
This information goes before the lj-cut. You can add anything else you wish, like dedications, but this MUST go before.
If your work is rated R or higher, it MUST be behind an lj cut and clearly stated that it is. All ratings are welcomed, but please clearly put a rating disclaimer, especially for NC-17 (lemony or limey) stuff.
If you are writing a multi-chapter fic, please state the name of the fic itself under Title and insert a Chapter Title after that with the chapter title and chapter number (meaning this goes after the title heading, but before the pairing heading).
For writers: pieces do not have to be terribly long.
For artists: pieces can simply be quick-sketches.
All submissions will be put into memories unless otherwise stated.