
May 12, 2006 03:13

Title: ‘Doppelganglanding’. 100 word drabble. BtVS S3, ‘Doppelgangland’, no pairing. Rating PG-13. Warning: minor character death (canon).


Oz stared in horror at Vampire Willow. “Get Buffy. Do it now.”

Angel rushed to obey. He climbed rapidly up the chains leading to the roof. He had the skylight half open when a scream from below distracted him. He looked down, saw Sandy clutching feebly at Willow’s bustier as she died, and was distracted enough to lose his grip and fall. Angel landed directly on Sandy and their combined weight ripped away Willow’s leathers. She wore no underwear.

Willow snarled. She seized a pool cue and thrust. Angel disintegrated. Willow stood unashamedly naked as the dust settled.

“Bared now.”

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