The Long Awaited Mod Post

Sep 07, 2010 16:16

Hello everyone! It's your lovely mod here. It's been a while since I've posted anything on this lovely community and it's time to change that.

Many things have been going on at various communities and I figured I'd mention some of these activities.

First off, please make it a point to check out hp_wishes before September 20th. They are currently hosting a Summer Themed Activity challenge. We need more people requesting Ravenclaw pairings. The schedule for this challenge can be found here. At this point you can only request Drama/Hurt&Comfort and after that Humour. So don't delay, hop on over and spread the Ravenclaw love.

Next, hp_diversity hosts monthly challenges centering around characters of color in the series. This month's challenge can be found here. This is a great opportunity to show Padma, Cho and Su some love. These characters do not get enough love in fandom.

These are the only challenges I know of that are currently running. If you know of any that I missed feel free to reply to this post and give me the heads up so I can update the list above. Thanks!

Alright, now that challenges around fandom are out of the way I'd like to ask a few questions. If anyone is still watching and/or a member of this community, please take a moment to reply to this post. My questions are as follows:

Do you have ideas on how to boost activity?
What type of challenges and/or exchanges hasn't happened in fandom that you'd like to see implemented in the near future?
Are you interested in becoming a co-mod?

Regarding the final question:

I'm looking for one person who's interested in helping me run this community and come up with ways to boost activity. This might mean recruiting people and encouraging them to post their Ravenclaw-centric fiction here. My current co-mod is MIA and I'd like to have someone to bounce ideas off of. Thank you in advance!


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