(no subject)

Mar 07, 2008 04:27

Title: Second Fiddle
Author: Thalia//maniacalmuse
Prompt: Of roses and vindication
Characters: Michael Corner, Tracey Davis, mentions of Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 394
Summary: Michael Corner, in typical Ravenclaw fashion, likes to sulk after breaking up.
Notes/Warning: Set some indeterminate time in the year of HBP. *squeezes this in riiiiight before the deadline*

"Well, sweeting, you knew it wasn't going to last." Anyone else utilising that chirpy of a tone of voice would have grated upon Michael Corner's very last nerve that day, but he was fairly sure that his Arithmancy class seatmate was manifestly incapable of any other tone of voice. Tracey Davis gave him a sweet, bracing smile, and patted his bicep with a manicured hand. "You did say it was casual anyway."

"I know," Michael grumbled. "And like Ginny, Cho actually holds a candle for someone else. It's not even that I'm so upset that she broke up with me, you know. We weren't that compatible to begin with. It's just..."

"Playing second fiddle is no fun," Tracey said evenly, and her voice was sympathetic. As Michael was fairly sure that she could probably hex someone she disliked unconscious without actually modifying her manner at all, he couldn't tell whether she was being sincere, but it was nice to have a listening ear nonetheless, and he was quite sure that several of the other blokes milling around in the library were shooting him envious looks as Tracey sat close enough to him that her blonde locks mingled with his dark ones.

"I don't even know what it is that I'm lacking," Michael murmured truculently, and when Tracey gave his shoulder a squeeze, he realised that he said it aloud, and then he stared down at his book so as to not appear embarrassed. "But... we should get to work, yeah?"

"Something like that, darling," Tracey said agreeably, and for the time being, the matter was dropped.

It was, of course, a typical Ravenclaw strategem to deal with angst by brooding for a while, then shoving it aside and heading for the books. And that was exactly the strategy Michael Corner decided upon that evening in Ravenclaw Tower.

Said plans took a rather sharp detour, however, when one of the school owls tapped at the window until he opened it, and then deposited a large bouquet of coral-pink roses in his lap.

With the roses came a note in a familiar, loopy handwriting. "I do not think you're the second best broody Ravenclaw boy of my acquaintance. Cheers!"

It was an odd form of vindication, perhaps, but Michael found himself laughing nonetheless.

ficlet, challenge

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