Admin Post

May 13, 2006 01:45

Hey everyone :)

How's it going? I'm considering livening up this community a bit. Among other things. And of course, I'd like your feedback on a few possible ideas/ways/what have you.

1) What say you guys to a fic exchange? Or, to those who are not writing inclined, a fic/art exchange? How many would participate if we had one?

2) What about a round robin or a collab fic of some sort?

3) What about a fic-a-thon/fic drive of some sort? Perhaps specific to genre or time frame (i.e. a crackfic-a-thon, an OoTP-era fic-a-thon, etc.)?

Aside from that, I've gone back through the comm and tagged everyone's entries, except cupiditatis' (there's something screwy with your html that won't let me, sorry!). The tags are basically your lj username and the type of entry it is: ficlets, drabbles, graphics, fanarts, etc. So for the sake of keeping track of things, please tag all your future entries. THANK YOU!


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