Law & Order fic: The Elephant

Apr 14, 2010 20:49

TITLE: The Elephant
AUTHOR: 1000traenen
FANDOM: Law & Order
PAIRING/CHARACTER/GENERAL SERIES: Det. Cyrus Lupo, Det. Kevin Bernard, EADA Michael Cutter
PROMPT: 093. Duty
SUMMARY: Lupo didn’t forget what Cutter had said, but it didn’t mean he wouldn’t save the guy’s life.
NOTES: Spoilers for 19x09 “By Perjury”
DISCLAIMER: Law & Order and all characters belong to Dick Wolf and NBC. I’m just playing nicely. I promise to put Lupes back where he belongs when I’m done.


Nobody got in Lupo’s way as the taller detective angrily strode out of the DA’s office. He kept going until he was well clear of the building, the dressing down by the EADA in his head like a broken record.

…don’t try to play lawyer. You’re not that good.

“Bastard,” Lupo muttered, then stopped short.

Turning quick, he came face-to-face with his partner. Bernard’s eyebrows were raised, but he said nothing. But when Lupo tried to step around him and head back into the building…

“Not gonna happen, Lupes. We’re gonna go see what we can do,” Bernard said, a hand on Lupo’s chest.

Lupo shook his head, but turned around anyway. “He couldn’t even look me in the eye when he said it.”

“That should tell you something right there.”

Lupo snorted, then asked, “Yeah, like what? Cutter isn’t a coward, so it wasn’t that.”

“How did you get to be a detective?” Bernard muttered with a roll of the eyes.

On the way back to the station, neither said a word about the incident. Bernard knew his partner well enough to realize that Lupo needed to think it through himself. And Lupo wasn’t about to share with Bernard just how betrayed he felt when Cutter made the lawyer remark.

The four didn’t meet again until the Grievance Committee meeting. The detectives sat in the back row, with Rubirosa between Cutter and Lupo. Winston wasn’t getting away with the Cruz murder, and there was an air of satisfaction when the dirty lawyer was taken off the PanWorld case.

Though there was still that elephant in the room, no one could tell with those four. So after the hearing, when Winston was found to be waiting outside, Lupo and Bernard didn’t like it. While Rubirosa went downstairs, and Cutter headed to the men’s room with Winston steps behind, the detectives decided to follow. Especially given the lawyer’s dirty habit of killing people who got in his way.

Turning the corner, Lupo’s brain went into overdrive.

“Look at how he’s walking…” he said, just before he broke out into a run with his partner right behind.

There were no shouts of warning as the detectives slammed the door open. Lupo’s hand on Winston’s arm forcing the shot away from Cutter- that split second act saved a life. A quick shot, the sound of porcelain shattering and some shouting had nothing on the sound of Mike Cutter’s heartbeat in his ears.

“Thank you,” he stuttered, his eyes wide in the aftermath of fear and still in disbelief. Despite that, he made eye contact, something that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Sure,” Lupo replied, seeing that Bernard was getting the cuffs on Winston. And once Winston was secured, Lupo added to shocked EADA, “Let’s get you out of here.”

The elephant followed the detectives, Cutter and a handcuffed Winston down into the lobby were a pair of uniforms were waiting to take the lawyer to booking.

There was no time to talk, between statements and heading home. So Cutter never got his chance to talk to Lupo, and Lupo never got his chance to tell Cutter that even though he thought he was a bastard, he still grudgingly respected him and wasn’t about to let anything happen to him.

To the sequel

detective kevin bernard, law and order, 100_tales, michael cutter, detective cyrus "lupes" lupo, fic

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