Title: A Night In
1000traenenSummary: Colby’s home…thankfully.
Rating: FRK+
Claim: Numb3rs- Colby Granger
Prompt: #1- a black shirt
Disclaimer: Since you don’t see stuff like this on TV, suffice it to say that they aren’t mine.
Spoilers: 3x17 “One Hour”
A/N: For the
2x5obsessions comm. Link to my
table. Not beta’d, so all mistakes are mine.
Colby balanced two brown paper bags in his arms as he clumsily unlocked the front door to his apartment building. Once inside, he managed to get up the two flights of stairs without incident, then again balanced the bags as he opened the door to his apartment. Once the bags were safely on the kitchen counter, Colby went about making sure the cold items went into the refrigerator or freezer before putting the others things away.
Since it was late, and he was tired and feeling rather anti-social, he threw a frozen dinner into the microwave. He fully realized that it wasn’t the most nutritious dinner available to him, but he rationalized it by reminding himself of the running that he’d done. It was quick, easy and better food than what he’d had in the Army. And while the microwave ran, he went into the bedroom to change into a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants.
Meal in one hand and a beer in the other, Colby sat on his tattered sofa and turned on the new television he’d splurged on. Flipping through, he settled on a ball game though he didn’t care for either team. As the game played out in front of him, he allowed himself to lean back to remember.
With his eyes closed, Colby could see the events unfold before him. He was trying to dissect the case, trying to find where he could’ve done something better or something different.
But his body wasn’t having any of that, and he soon fell asleep. He wasn’t asleep for long, the sound of someone trying to knock his door down woke him up with a start.
“Coming, coming,” Colby tiredly called.
After seeing it was David on the other side of the door, Colby tried to quickly unlock the door. After fumbling for a few seconds, the locks were undone and the door was swung open.
With a raised eyebrow, David asked, “You were asleep, weren’t you?”
“Yeah, on the couch. It’s cool, I’d get a sore back spending the night like that.”
David and Colby settled into the living room with a beer in hand. They didn’t talk about the case, or anything related to work outside of office gossip. And once David was satisfied that his partner was just fine, he made his own way home.
And exhausted enough to sleep in his black T-shirt and gray sweatpants, Colby slumbered dreamlessly and deeply, waking up the next morning with renewed energy to fight crime in LA.