Title: Dark Clouds and Silver Linings
1000traenenSummary: John and Carson discuss dark clouds, finding their silver lining, and there’s bowling involved too.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sheppard/Beckett, brief appearance of McLorne
CD & Song: 3 Doors Down- Seventeen Days “Be Somebody”
Disclaimer: Since you don’t see stuff like this on TV, suffice it to say that they aren’t mine.
Spoilers: Poisoning the Well, Instinct/Conversion, Michael, No Man’s Land
A/N: For the
ficalbum comm. Link to
tableX-posted at Wraithbait.
‘Cause I'm trying to be somebody
I'm not trying to be somebody else
This life is mine I'm living
Don't you know me? I won’t ever let you down
-Be Somebody- 3 Doors Down
“I want to go bowling,” John said, suddenly appearing in the doorway to Carson’s lab.
Once the doctor calmed down enough to be pried from the ceiling, he was further soothed by a deep kiss.
“I do hope you locked the door,” Carson said when they finally parted.
“No, but that was just to make up for the fact that I startled you.”
Carson’s cheeks reddened. “Well, you shouldn’t be making statements like that when people who are working have no idea that they have company.”
“Statements like what?” John asked. “I only said I wanted to go bowling.”
“And what brought that on?”
John shrugged. “Lorne and I were talking about it before. He said that when he was in high school, he and his friends would take their significant others to the local bowling alley every so often. Sounded like they had a hell of a good time there.”
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about building one here.”
“Lorne’s already asking Rodney and Radek about it.”
With a shake of his head, Carson muttered, “Help us all…”
John only grinned. “I’ll teach you how.”
“We’ll see about that,” Carson replied. “I take it you’re also here to make sure I get out and get some dinner.”
“That too.”
“Well, then before I get started on something else…”
“Don’t touch another thing! Just take the lab coat off and hang it up.”
Laughing, Carson did as John asked. Later that night, as they relaxed on a deserted balcony overlooking the ocean (as all of the balconies did), Carson curled into John, who wrapped an arm around the doctor’s shoulders.
“Do you really think we can win?” John asked.
“Win what?”
“This war with the Wraith.”
“Aye, I do. I’m just worried about who we’ll be when we do.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve already done things I never thought I would. I helped develop a vaccine that killed half a planet, developed a retrovirus that nearly killed you, experimented on an unwilling and unknowing subject, developed a biological weapon…”
“Do not start beating yourself up over that, Carson.”
“Why not? It’s the truth.”
“And you’ve managed to warp and twist it to beat yourself up with.”
“I admit that I do have my regrets.”
“So do I, to go with the blood on my hands. But there’s a silver lining to this dark cloud.”
“Aye? And what would that be?”
“You. We have each other, we have Atlantis and her people.”
“Aye, and that’s really all we need. Well, you know what I mean.”
“Yes, I do,” John laughed, kissing the top of Carson’s head.
They settled into a comfortable silence which was quickly broken by hurried approaching footsteps.
“John! Carson!” they heard Rodney’s distinct voice call out.
Carson moved so that he and John were sitting side by side, though John’s arm was still around his shoulders.
“Over here!” John called back, a little reluctantly.
“Oh, hey, there you are,” Rodney said as he found the couple sitting on the ground.
“Oh, hey, here we are,” John responded, getting a glare for his efforts.
“Have you and Nick gotten exposed to some mind-altering substance?” Rodney demanded, arms crossed over his chest.
“No, why?”
“A bowling alley? Of all the things we need in Atlantis, a bowling alley isn’t one of them.”
“Recreation?” John tried, but Rodney wasn’t buying it.
Another set of footsteps soon approached, and Nick Lorne came up behind Rodney. “There you are,” he said, looking at John and Carson. “He didn’t like the bowling idea.”
“We noticed,” Carson replied.
“But Radek’s on board. He thinks he has an ideal place. Though we still need to find something to use as pins and bowling balls,” Nick said.
“I knew we could count on Radek. He knows what the word fun means,” John said, looking directly at Rodney.
“Like I have time for fun. I’m too busy keeping this place running. And…”
“C’mon Rodney,” Nick drawled. “Fun is good. Fun makes you think better since it’s a stress-reducer.”
“Can’t argue with logic like that,” John pointed out.
“Yes, I can. Easily, too,” Rodney replied.
“But you won’t. Look, bowling good, bowling fun…”
“Eloquently put, Major…” Rodney began.
“Sometimes I think it’s the only way to get through to you. Let’s go leave these two alone while we…find something else to do.”
Before Rodney could argue, Nick grabbed his hand and dragged him away. Once again left in a comfortable silence, Carson shifted so that he was nuzzling against John.
“It’ll be fun to bowl again,” John mused. “Now all I have to do is organize a football game.”
“Didn’t know you played,” Carson grinned.
“American football,” John sighed, lightly smacking the doctor upside the head.
“Such a prissy sport,” Carson said, grabbing John’s hand to avoid another smack to the head.
“Oh, please...soccer is, football isn’t.”
“Real football players don’t need to wear so much padding.”
“Alright,” John sighed. “We’ll just have to agree to disagree.”
“That’s fine with me, love.”
They let silence wrap them up, warm and comfortable in each other’s company. As Carson dozed against him, John let his mind wonder over the events of the past couple years since he’d been let in on the Stargate secret. A small sigh and Carson shifting a bit caught his attention, and he looked down to see that Carson had fallen asleep.
“You are my silver lining,” John whispered, kissing the top of Carson’s head.