(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 22:43

Yeah so, went out with beth, rob and scott from attleboro...used to be mansfield but yeah... and we went to Hess in norton and they pretended to be jay and silent bob. Scott totally sang the song and it was funny. We hung out in the parking lot for a good half hour... we talked about cam and how everyone wants to beat him up... i said to scott that everyone knows who he is because everyone beats him up... bethany goes into hess and asks the kid from norton and he says yeah i beat that kid up. The other kids at his car on break beth asks him he syas yeah... she asks did u ever kick his ass... no but my friends have... it was a good time. Rob didnt talk the rest of the night... it was like 2 hours with out rob talking. Hes kinda quiet to begin with but yeah it was odd. Robs a nice guy. I like him. We dropped Scott off and he lives at Crystal Village next to my mom it was weiiiird!!! I was like DUDE! My mom lives here! and hes like really. yeah.. haha so after he got out Rob started talking to me again. We talked about how im going to new jersey and what not. I asked him how Michelle was because hses been admitted to an instatution or something and he was like yeah shes ok i guess. Then he started talking aobut how he needs to start dating girls his own age and what not but he cant find any that are mature enough and that he cna have a conversation with. He was like i dunno I guess its weird but its a turn on if i can converse with the person and i was like no argument here man thats hot. So we talked about how people are immature and what not and worried about materialistic items and how everythings about consumerism. Robs a smart kid. i never thought of him as being one to converse but wow. we had a god conversation for the few minutes we actually talked. I really like him though. Im attracted to him. hes a nice nice nice guy. I dont like that hes a drunk, but whatever. Hes a real sweet heart. Hes very polite and well mannared. He opend the car door for me earlier just becuase. I was in the back behnid him and i was sitting there and he looked in and opend it and i was like am i in the way and he said no, just opening your door. oh :). I like that about him, he does things just because. He doesnt care what epople think about him, he wwears and says what he wants. Hes scruffy and has a beer gut and to me thats just plain hot. He is who he is. theres no secrets about him. He looks older than he is but whatever. Hes still a nice guy.
Im tired. I miss mikie. Bethany played pool with him nad the Schmitkas today. Im jealouse. Stupid having to work sucks asssssssss.
Bethany still didnt get her car back... they claim monday now... who knows, it sucks. I get my car back friday yay!

im going to bed now.. bye
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