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Dec 08, 2005 21:53

So to continue from my last entery.... I told cameron to find his own damn way home. hes so fucking lucky that he was like down the other end of the mall when i regianed standing and processed what had happend becuase i woulda fucking killed him right then and there. Bobo would of had to jump in between us and knock one of us out and everyone knows he wouldnt dare lay a hand on a chik. Poor Bobo didnt know what to do he was like standing there with a shocked look on his face and his arm kinda in the ready to punch position and then was like WOW what the FUCK just happend?! Thats the last fucking time that prick touches me like that. I put up with his shit way to much. Its one thing when I start it and push him or hit him and he does it back, its another when he gets mad and shoves me that fucking hard. He shoves me when hes mad all the time but i dont care, i can take it, im not a pansy. But Im sick of it. Im sick of him treating me the way he does and im sick of how he treats women. I dated him for a year, I dont think he ever once opend a door for me, or pulled out my chair or anything like that. The chair things taking it a little far but the door thing is common courtesy. Everytime I go out with Cocoa he holds the door open for everyone. Hes SUCH a polite kid. I love cocoa. hes so nice to everyone and hes just so polite and well mannerd. I love how "un black" he is. But yeah so thats the last fucking time cameron ever puts a hand on me again unless we're goofing off becuase Im soo fucking sick of it. Im sick of him doing that, im sick of him screaming at me and calling me a stupid bitch/cunt/fuck whatever he calls me. its one thing when were at one of our houses but its another story when we're OUT someplace. Pat Allen heard about the mall thing from the 2 girls that were there, hes fucking pissed. hes all i hope i dont see him again because I think something will go down. Hes all rar about it. Cocoa was like wtf. Rob was all WHAT!? Im gunna fucking kill that kid I dont know hwy you didnt call me I would have been there in 5 minutes to kick that boys ass. It was a rediculouse thing and I dont really care. I can look the other way on it. But god help him if he makes that mistake again. He needs to learn to control his fucking anger. If he does that again Im totally telling my father and everyone knows what the outcome of that will be. Daddy and I may not get along that well or talk to eachtoehr but NO ONE touches his kids.

On another note its Mikies 18th BIRTHDAY!!!Omg hes not my little mikie anymore. I love mikie so much. Hes a great kid and I dont think he sees what he means to me. I really dont know where I would be today without him. Weve gotten eachother threw so much shit. I hung out with him tuesday before going to the mall actually. it was fun. We hung out, fucked, went to the bank and to strawberrys lol I brought him home and then wnet out w/Cam. I got Mikie this thing from Wild Bills for his B-day its a topless chick and it says "this buds for you" its mad sweet. Beth and I went to see mike today and there were like 6 people there and they were lal oohhh youre leaving already and we were like.. yeah were shopping... we didnt know there was a shindig going on we werent invited... i picked frosting off the cake lol i hope it didnt bother anyone... Bry,Andy, Aaron, Kayla, Christine, and some girl named Hilary were all there.... I wanted to stay and hang but i needed to get my shopping done... i still gotta get mikie Yodels for his birthdya cuz thats what i get him every year lol

I bought a new jacket today and a watch and a shirt lol.... And I dyed my hair... Intense Aubern... its like... pretty lol i dunno red/purpleish i guess depends on the light, it matches my room my walls and my furniture.. Mikie says it matches my car... I never realized my car and my room are like the same color lol I also bought jen a green blazer its cute its her xmas gift. Im getting beth a silky bathrobe and i got kendall something, not saying what i dont need her reading this...bed time.. night
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