Apr 04, 2006 11:17
A week from today is Amy's and my second year anniversary. It's pretty hard to believe that we've been married for two years. It's hard for me to remember what my life was like before I met her, and even harder to think about what life would be like without her. At the same time, I'm still amazed every day that I'm married to this person who I'm so happy to talk to on the phone, or IM, or mug down with when I come home to work. I've always thought that, as time goes by in a relationship, you start to get used to the other person and you don't feel so privileged to be in the relationship, but that doesn't seem to be happening with Amy. I'm constantly grateful that she married me and continues to be my wife. Now, if we could just get Tommy to let us get away overnight (or just for a long evening).
Aside from being beautiful, sexy, funny, and smart, the thing that I love the most about Amy is her attitude about life. I used to call it resourcefulness, but that doesn't really cover it all. I have never seen Amy give up on anything. She always finds a way to solve the problem or reach the goal or, at the very least, a way to work around the problem. And she knows how to figure out what's important. Before I married Amy, I was constantly worried about the future and thinking about all the horrible things that could happen if I lost my job, or I got sick, or the house burned down, blah blah blah. Now, I don't worry about that stuff hardly at all. No matter what happens, as long as I have my Amy, we can work it out.
Thank you for a great two years, honey. Here's to at least 75 more!