Nov 24, 2009 23:12
[ He starts off at a yell. And then gets louder. ]
Oii! Where the hell is this! Norway! Those other guys! Where are ya!
... IF YER GONNA KIDNAP ME, AT LEAST LEAVE ME A COUPLE OF BEERS. Also ya can't kidnap me in the first place!
it's always sweden's fault
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What year is it by you?
So uhh.. yeah, you're kind of in this place called Wonderland? Logic doesn't exist here so forget about that.
Whose place is it?
...Wonderland's? I don't know, they're a jerkface who hasn't shown up yet to introduce him/herself. So like nobody's sure she/he even exists, but we're like on another planet, though instead of aliens around there's like.. weird animal creatures and a fucked up queen!
Does the queen know where Wonderland is?
Who knows, dude. She's an idiot. Kinda hides away from everyone. I've only seen her once since I've been here, and that was like.. back in July.
Man, that's lame. Ya'd think a nation strong enough to kidnap us here would be a little better at running shit.
Yeah, really? Or at least not be such a coward! There's been nations from all sorts of crazy worlds brought here, and 'Wonderland' still hasn't shown up! The queen's followers seem to run all the events, too, so I don't know what she's there for. She's not even hot or anything!
Though considering there's a shit ton of crazy here, like vampires and aliens and shit, people still have a hard time believing I am who I say I am! Humans are weird.
Humans have always been weird. At least people aren't saying stuff like "there's already an America here!" I've gotten that already.
That's true.
Really? I.. oh, right. That Denmark guy. He's.. weird. Keeps ranting about burning things, mostly of the witch variety. I keep telling him witches don't exist, but he doesn't seem to listen to reason. In fact, he freaked out over a butterfly when he arrived here.
What self respecting nation spazzes over a butterfly?!
Though he says there's an America from his world, who's dating Mexico's sister or something. And there's a Pakistan and an Afghanistan here who say they come from a world where all the nations are girls.
I can't imagine another me! Not that I'd want to imagine someone doing it wrong..
Burning things is fun! Every midsummer, we burn witches made of wood! [ Excited! Oh. Wait. ] -If ya ask me, he's a bad fake. I met some girl Afghanistan who said she knew a girl me, too.
Obviously that's the best holiday ever so yes.]
Well, I'm not saying that burning things isn't fun. But burning witches is like.. so 17th century.
Yeah, really. While girl nations aren't a bad idea, I can't imagine a girl me. That'd be a little weird, I think.
Yep, Belgium and Ukraine are nice, but I'll stick to being a guy.
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