here is a sample of my book

Apr 05, 2004 03:21

or what i started and never finished.
please tell me what you think
the whole premisis of the book was to take stuff that really stood out in my life and talk aobut them.... i only locked down two and started to ramble..


The fingers are starting to type as I think of what to say. This is going to be a long ramble but a maybe an adventurous one as I continue to type. This journey you’re about to go on is a boring one so let me flare it up. As I look every time from the train window overlooking the east river I do wonder if I did conquer it all or is there more out there.
Maybe it’s the music that I’m listening to that’s driving I to do more. Who knows? Let’s find out when you accompany me on this journey. I guess it all started when you hear the one band in your life and go “ wow, this is really amazing stuff” for me the band being Faith No More. And I loved music ever since. But I always went to shows and seen bands and knew what the deal was. But, as you feel the music and makes you fantasize on what you’re doing at that moment it becomes a drug of some sort. A hallucinogen of a kind or is it sirens’ song that takes on you on a magical voyage but turns out to be a nightmare at the end.
If you dare, come with me. And see what makes I tick and what it makes me express. It may translate into a puzzle at first but the completed work is yours truly of the flesh. Then can be really observed from the mind poured out onto paper and scraps and doodles from far to the eye can see. This will be exposed and this will see the light of day. This will have a point because it is a point that I need to express and let it out.
Strap in, take a deep breath, kiss your mom and see where this gets you. Because it may be bumpy it maybe slow at times . . . but make sure your hands stay in the ride.


Sometimes cold winds blow and the chill goes up the sleeve and wakes you up when you don’t expect it. I had a vision. Well many visions that were never complete. Alas, never really could complete or conquer most of the time. Because of restraints. It happens I know. But finally I have the proper tools and the proper knowledge of what to do in an event of something like this. I guess it started in art school where you were out all night, slept in class. Then had the night and twilight to really focus on things. When the moon turns into the sun it kind of blows to realize that its time to be a real person again. Insomnia lingers and it becomes your best friend. Not really a friend but that guy that walks next to you all the time and punches you in the arm to say “ heya buddy, “And tips his grandfather cap and disappears into a mist. Weird huh?

Oh believe me I fought with this guy once on the street no less, it was not pretty and the cops came. Forget it. I’ll let go for another day and time. Haha. Hmm? .. Where was I? Oh yes. When Mr. God created time, he created 24 hours in a day. Why did he create sleep? I get so much done over a 36-hour period nonstop sometimes. It is silly. Then the body winds down and you’re all tired and need to nap but then you lose time and of course have to play catch with said time to make up all the time you lost.”enter: anthrax “time”“


You must’ve played that game on a road trip on just day dreaming with some friends. Then you choose what music you would want in your movie. But that’s easy, right ? Well what if it was when you were born until you died... I can maybe name some .. But hey its going to be subject to change( you’re lucky I wrote that in not so fine print)
well here’s some of the specifics..
Birth :everyday sunshine- Fishbone
Growing up: Midnight cowboy -Faith No More (of course the visual aspect of it .. Is old home movies and sappy moments)
first love: Lady Love- Ink And Dagger
first crush: My first restraining order-Drowning man
college years: Party and Bullshit- Notorious B.I.G.
Going to shows: Theme song to New Brunswick basement show-Lifetime
getting older( don’t know , im still a kid )
Death: Delia-Johnny Cash
why do you say that I picked a death song over a getting older song. We all know what we want when we die. I definitely do not want any danzig (hahaha) or something morbid, just something beautiful as Mr. Cash put it . To the point and straight out like the man did all his life.
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