I've been meaning to get around to these ever since I got back on campus, but I only seem to remember about it as I'm getting ready to go to sleep. After 12 hours in the lab today, my mind is sufficiently fried so I think I can take a crack at this.
1 > Stop wasting so much time on the Internet.
Yeah, I'm using a cop-out answer for number 1. I spend 90% of my time at the computer, and almost all of it isn't productive. I get in the habit of just getting lazy and cruising the same 5-6 sites unconciously while time ticks by. If I'm going to spend so much time at the computer, I may as well use my time well.
2 > Stop worrying about the stupid details
This one is huge. I end up declining to do so much because I worry about things that just don't matter. I've done this for years, and it drives me crazy when I realize after the fact how dumb I was for not doing X because of Y. I need a little spontaneity in my life anyway.
3 > Become more cultured
I'm top-dog when it comes to keeping up with tech news or game-jargin, but I've passed up so much else. I need to read more books, watch more movies, watch more history channel, and experience more outside my own comfort zone. which leads me to:
4 > Venture outside of my comfort zone more
For as long as I can remember I've been too worried about everything to actually experience things. This ties into number 2 in that I'm just way too cautious and oddly naive (to a fault), and I've noticed it for a while. I have a hard time adapting to new situations, and get really anxious when I'm around new people. I could really go into detail about this later, but not now. I am too burnt out to think this hard.
5 > Work harder, get better in all realms of art
This is obligitory. I don't draw enough, I don't do enough art. I don't have anything worthwhile to show people beyond a small handful of pieces that were done for classes. I need to start my own projects outside of my slowly-moving RPG project. I only wish I could conjure up decent ideas more than once every few months.
That's a wrap. I know for a fact I had more thought out, but I sure as hell can't seem to remember them right now. I also found out that I may have mono. I go in to the health center on Monday again to check up on the long-term blood tests to find out for sure. If it's true I'm in for a long semester with a severe lack of hot make outs in the meantime =[[[[. That being said, I have another 12-hour lab day tomorrow so I am going to get some sleep.