Yes, raido.. Boop boop!

Nov 03, 2006 01:33

Going to get this out of the way first - It's better you see this in its dumbed-down form, rather than a huge dramatic post that I've been wanting to write for a while now.

in this entry put 6 random facts about you, then tag 6 people to do the same. No tag backs.

1) Over the last few months/years, I've slowly come to realize that all of my problems stem from a severe case of self-doubt.
2) I make stupid excuses not to do things that I end up kicking myself for not doing to begin with.
3] I think I'm a little too open about my geeky hobbies, and that's really set me in a weird awkard position between the real world and the nerd world
4) I get really irrational and say things without thinking when I get frustrated or angry. (who doesn't? I notice this a lot more in myself than other people though. I feel completely crippled when I get that way)
5) Another revelation i've come across is that my sense of humor doesn't fit in with anyone else's, even though it sesms so varied. I see certain things as funny and when I point them out, people just seem to stare.
6) I feel like I haven't matured psychologically since early high school - I feel like a child around a bunch of adults at college.

And I'm tagging:

ichigomyu, even though she already got tagged.

I think I ran out of people to tag

Okay, now that that's out of the way..

I've been huge into Heroes as of about three days ago. I had seen commercials about it now and then before, but never watched the premiere. My friend down the hall in the dorms told me a little about it and got me interested, so I took a look and now I'm horribly hooked. It's one of those shows that just hits me the exact right way, the same way Stargate did. Problem being it just started, and now that I'm all caught up, I've got to wait 7 days between each episode just like everyone else. The show is fantastic, and I suggest it to anyone and everyone who enjoys good things. You like good things, don't you?

There's a glimmer of hope that we'll have a Pop'n Music FEVER machine near campus before the winter is up - some guys from Italy are selling a complete Pop'n hardware upgrade with FEVER installed, and the guys down the street have a Pop'n 1 machine that has been sitting almost unused for near a year now. Keaton, a guy from Bemanistyle, is interested in picking both up, so here's hoping he follows through with both purchases. That would definitely get me interested in the game again - but I'm not going to hold my breath, these things always have a way of folding in on themselves at some point.

ETA < 3 weeks until this fall's TGA trip. I'm pumped! I can finally play some decently hard songs in Guitar Freaks, and have been finally getting back into a IIDX groove again so I should be all practiced up for the trip by the time it rolls around

Oh, and another Happy Birthday to liete! Wootah. I'll have a belated birthday drawing ready for you at some point - i've been wicked busy between my studios lately, so I didn't get to it in time :(
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