I'm not really away. I just hate talking to you.
A watched pot never boils...so watching my away message wont make me come back!
Gone like a freight-train, gone like yesterday Gone like a soldier in the civil war, bang bang Gone like a '59 Cadillac Like all the good things that ain't never coming back
My computer is away from me right now.
plz come back when im not brain dead
Even though i'm gone i will always think of you
I'm in front of the TV not the computer. It was begining to get Jealous.
im sorry im with yur mom! bbl
Chillin like a popsicle in the freezer
witH a wInk n a kIss iM sry 2 aNnOunCe.... bUt thIs lIttLe hOttiE's gottA b o u n c e....<3!
whateva it is i didnt do it
Checking away messages. It's like stalking, but no one knows you are doing it. I even have people's names on my buddy list that I don't know, but I hear they have really good away messages. Some people really put their all into away messages. There are the people who document their every move: "I am taking a shower, but when I get out, I am going to pee, shave, and then iron my pants. Call me if you need me before I go to the mall at 2pm." Then there's the creative one: "I am away from my computer right now." And of course there's that one from the really cool guy: "Yo its friday night, I am drunk, and not sittin up lookin at away messages" Funny how that guy never seems to go idle.
one day i was walking down the street and I fell over my own shoe lace
Whoa! Before you type any more you should know I am not here. Nothing personal.
Sorry for the inconvience but I am drowning myself in the toilet for a first hand swirly experience
im out like your wang at last years Christmas party
eating...because fat kids are harder to kidnap
courtesy of www.firehotquotes.com