another one

Aug 09, 2004 18:57

current clothing: jeans and a tee shirt.
current mood: sleepy but happy.
current taste: ketchup
current hair: kind of everywhere but down.
current annoyance: my nagging headache.
current smell: whatever my room smells like. Nothing inparticular.
current thing you ought to be doing: napping
current jewelry: silver hoop earings and a belly button ring.
current book: nothing at the moment. Just finished Obediance to Authority
current refreshment: water
current worry: that the second time won't work out, but i think it will
current crush: Daniel, still.
current favorite celebrity: Toss up between Angelina Jolie and Amy Lee, although Jenna Jameson...
current longing: finally see Dan again
current music: Between the Buried and Me- More Of Myself to Kill.
current wish: that the school year goes well, work stays good, rocks shows are awesome, and Dan and I stay happy.
current lyric in your head: Thoughtless- Korn
current makeup (if you're a girl!): none surprisingly
current undergarments: bra and blue g-string
current regret: I have no regrets right now
current desktop picture: a sunsetting behond a tube... and tube as in ocean wave
current cuss word du jour: "mother fucker", or my usual "asshole"
current disappointment: School starts a week from today and I haven't seen Dan for over two weeks.
current amusement: this survay... that's how bored I am
current IM/person you're talkin to: Christinaa little bit.
current love: love?
current obsession: my belly button, trying to bake a cake (that's for tomorrow morning), and of course, my neverending obsession with music
current avoidance: face your problems head on
current thing or things on your wall: poster of a beach with palm trees, two tiki torches, a corckboard covered in memories and my calender, and my picture thing that I hang my keys off of
current favorite book: The Amittyville Horror or A Clockwork Orange.
Current favorite movie: Vanilla Sky
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