May 23, 2005 15:04
WEll then friday,
my old friend megan came over, that was cool, i haven't seen her in a llllllloooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg time. We like got on our bathing suites and jumped on the trampoline. then kameron came over and he is like a cat. lol he was sooooo funny he like is afrade of water. lol so then we like played bad mitten and we bet that if we win he has to go on the trampoline with the water we beat him and he went on the trampoile. lol it was so funny watching him u had to be there. lol soooooo anyways then meagan left and Garrett, Kameron and ME went to colleen's party it was soooo much fun. like her dog is soooo scary. lol had to be there.
well sterday was ok i spent the night over colleens house and we walked to the gass station. that was fun. i though i had mono. lol long story. well that is like it we played on a hilll. but that was ok.
i really did nothing i just made a blanket and sleep. that all.