Aug 23, 2004 19:33
ok well i cut mi hair shorter once again..and i like chris:-D he rox mi sox!! hehe ok well yea we started school last week it was ok bein a sophmore sux cuz u got all this stuff to do and stuff like that...itz like eeekkk!! i got a lot more stuff to carry this year...i cant believe im growin up soo fast only 3 more years of highschool including this year!! wow i cant believe it...its all just gone by soo fast! it makes meh look bak and realize all the good and all the bad times and all the friends along the i cant believe it is all changing so fast i mean meh and cole r talkin bout movin out and gettin jobs...ima be driving i remember it was just yesterday that i met cole...times goes by faster and faster as u get older...but now it seems like its goin way too fast cuz i dont think i can keep up anymore!!! summer went by SOOO FAST! it feels like just yesterday i was at the movies with all mi friends acting retarded like all these memeories of all these things!! itz overwelming! ok well i dont really have much to say!! soo i better jet!! o and im way happier now...o and JC good luck at college i think u can make it thru the whole thing!! Andy good luck with torie!! Jiggster good luck gettin the perfect guy!! Cole good luck with jonathan[sp?]!! Meh good luck with that job!!