Sep 05, 2004 17:25
i hate how you can't trust anyone anymore. i hate choosing sides. i love my friends. i like having fun and not worrying about anything. i'm tired of drama. i hate being online n there being no one to talk to. i hate when people get mad if you don't want to hang out. i'm tired of life. i hate how no one compares to my sister's boyfriend in my dad's eyes. i hate how he criticizes everything i do. sorry i'm not perfect. deal with it, i do. i hate how people don't understand. and im just sick of everything needing to be stressed about i just want to be happy about everything and not care for once.
ok so enough with the random thoughts.
Friday, hung out w/ Andy Matthew n Lindsey. Everything was so great n we were having so much fun. Then we decided to come back to my house and let Matthew drive and well from there everything just went downhill. Won't explain it...but lets just say the night got bad and then couldnt have gotten worse. So at finally like 5:30 me Lindsey Armand n Andy came upstairs n attemped to sleep. Me n Linds didnt sleep till 8, I woke up @ 10 and then didnt sleep for the rest of the day. Lindsey n Andy both left around 10. Hung out w/ Armand until he fell back asleep. So I took a shower and started gettin ready for the wedding reception. Talked with him for a lil bit when he woke up then he left around 5:30ish cuz I had to go to the reception. Got there and got pissed off within the first 15 minutes because my dad has to get all mad for no reason, it was a simple question I didn't even know because no one likes to tell me these things and he flips. Funny how everyone @ the table knew it was a touchy subject except for me when yeah it had to do with me in the first place. I'm sick of it. So was pissed off for quite a bit of time. The wedding party finally came in Josh n Sherry are so cute =] aw and Sherry looked so pretty! My sister tried gettin me drunk off the wine poured for the toast, offering me her wine and the rest on the table hah. Was pretty bored till my cousin showed up. Me her, my sister and her boyfriend all just joked around for a bit, made fun of my parents hah. So yeah the night continued to be pretty boring so I finally got to leave around like 10 cuz my mom made me wait for the whole meal and the cake n such. Came home n fell asleep by like 12 cuz I was so exhausted from the night before. And now I'm bored out of my freakin mind as usual.
I love Stephanie freakin Medeiros so0o0 much =]