Jul 12, 2004 17:59
waaaadddddddduupp party people ;-)
i`m bored asz shit.. i haven`t actually written in here for a longgg time.. i been pretty busy.. but anywho
i`m not gunna write alot right now though cuz i`m about to go out.. i just got back from alex`sz house.. my daysz been pretty eXcitiNg l0l..
i woke up at 11 ((alex called me.. i`m NEVER up that early!)).. nd i jumped in the shower, got out, did my hair nd make up nd all that good stuff.. ooh yah nd i got dressed.. l0l then jesus drove me in the *cHaRiOt* over to alex`sz house.. i met the ever so famous GARY.. l0l.. nd then me shagger nd ramona went to TGIFridaysz.. that wasz oodlesz nd oodlesz of fun.. l0l then we walked to walmart where we ragged on people for a good 30-45 minutesz l0l.. then stephen picked us up nd took us back to alex`sz.. me him nd roman were just chillin in hisz room playing shitloadsz of card gamesz nd stuff. EIFFEL TOWER BABBYYYYY LMFA0!.. then roman left nd me nd alex chilled for a little.. laid down nd talked.. all that good stuff.. then carolyn ((the reason for the word bitch ;-) l0l AKA my mom)) came nd picked me up. she met alex.. her reaction? "hesz a cutie".. my reaction? "thatsz just great mom, you lost your talking priveledgesz for the day" l0l.. so yah both my parentsz lyk alex.. don`t ask me why.. l0l jk
but anywaysz..
i`m so bored..
a S h 4 u 7 7: write ashleys is super sexy!
a S h 4 u 7 7: O:-)
--there ash you got your wish l0l
i wasz just on the phone wid alison.. i love that gurl!!!! we talked for a little.. shesz coming over tonight.. me her nd ash are guna chill at mercedesz house, even though mercedesz nd her family are in west palm beach?.. l0l don`t ask :-)
nd then carey called.. haven`t talked ta that kid ina long time.. can`t say that i miss him though.. l0l JK! but yah we talked for lyk 10 minutesz.. hesz going out wid some chick named courtney or something lyk that.. he told me i`m lyk thatszz ganggstterrr...
moving right along..
i`ve been alot more happy lately, which isz awesome..
but yah i`m gunna go now cuz i`m so bored nd writing in here isn`t helping much.. nd plus i`m talking to ev online/sending him hisz buddylist because hisz computer isz being homosexual.. soo ttyl
so feel free to holler at the commentsz.. <33333