OKAY the first episode of the OVA is making me feel better since it's Hei as he was in the first season. Watching Yin evolve does explain the ending a bit more. 'white darkness' is a good way to put it. Seeing the Li personality again was really nice. *_* I didn't realize how much I liked it? I know it's a facade to work with normal people in society without looking like a psychopath, but somehow I think of it as part of Hei, too. Like something he could have been if the Gates had never come to exist.
GODDAMN what am I going to do after this? There won't be any more of him. Falling in love is so hard. With every beginning, there's an end. I still have a lot of trouble coping with that.
Ep 2, done. I am happy to find the link to Random Curiosity again, which was a blog review site that I used to read but couldn't remember the name of. It says exactly what I'm thinking, that the OVA is what I wanted the 2nd season to be. SADFACE. It's only 4 episodes. From 26 to 12 to 4. Sigh...
Ep. 3 done! Hei, Hei, Hei. So conflicted. This doesn't make me feel any better about the actual ending of season 2. It's strange to think about what would have happened if choice B or C had been made instead of what happens. I really, really don't get why they made season 2 so weird. I guess I'm liking the OVA more since the focus is entirely on Hei and Yin instead of Suou and Misaki and everything else. Character driven instead of plot driven. These OVA came with the DVD of season 1, which was in 2010, so if they were thinking of a third season then wouldn't they have mentioned it? Ugh. It's so frustrating that the last five minutes of season 2 left so many things that could be worked with and developed, but weren't. Misaki saying "I haven't seen him but I'm sure he's still alive." would be a great reason to move the story away from her and the new organization and just follow what Hei is doing...
BUT YOU KNOW I'm still not sure if he killed Yin or not. The image of him walking with her body could just be Misaki's interpretation. It's not like he was in a particular place besides a starry sky. There's a big white glow when he faces her, not a knife and blood. I was thinking he used Pai's power and fused with her, again going with Option C. But maybe the boy at the end is a copy of Yin.
BACK TO EPISODE 3 - That was sad! Surprising and painful for Hei to experience. Am I some kind of sadist, watching this character that I love getting hurt all the time??
Episode 4 is downloading so sloowwwllllyyyy. The main writer of Random Curiosity retired in March 2010. Sometimes it doesn't feel like 2011. I forget that time has really passed. That while I do nothing, other people are getting their degree and finding they don't have time to blog anime anymore.
All I can think of is Hei's smile when Yin told him 'it's alright to kill me now'. The meaning I can accept is that he is smiling because he wouldn't do that. He's killed many people, but Yin is so close to his heart. I have to think that he somehow worked a third option. With the boy-Yin taking those CIA guys out, it makes me think that Izanami is there. The body that Hei was carrying...was it really empty or could he return Yin? They were inside The Gate, and the whole idea is that anything can happen there. AUGH I DON'T KNOW - oh it finished downloading.
OKAY so here goes. The last episode of Darker Than Black. It's past midnight and I've been watching this show since I woke up today. What am I going to do tomorrow? Hei, Hei... Are you alive? What are you feeling? I want to know what you feel, Hei.
Yin. ;-; Wwwwaaa... That did answer a bit about what happened, but of course I was wondering that at the beginning of season 2, not at the end! Hnnnnggggg seeing Hei turn into the drunk again was painful, since I so enjoyed seeing him get out of it in ep.0209.
I'll probably have to watch season 2 again just to understand it... Maybe I'll just read the Random Curiosity reviews to save time. It would be nice if there was a third season. Hei... Why does every woman in your life get taken away?
It's a fantastic story that is so affecting.
The review of ep.4 from RC really points it all out. This would have been a much better experience as a viewer if we could have seen all of this FIRST. I'm disappointed the most in whoever thought it was necessary to cut it down to 12 episodes. dfjkdfhg;lfdjg';aljfd.
It's 1am and I should really just go to bed...