The inconsistencies of my mood...

Jan 12, 2006 22:25

Well, I've started reading HAIR and I have NO idea how in the freaking world RCT plans to do it, but if they do, it'll be lovely because it's a fab play. It's just all about sex and drugs and more sex and hair and orgies...on stage. Yum. No, I mean. There is a deeper lot of stuff. It's just that people will notice the other stuff more...the raunchy stuff.

Got hypnotized (ish) today. It was cool. I'm still quite anxious, though. I'll work on it.

So not digging the idea of first period tomorrow. After all, it's the last Friday Maggie and I have school together. Sheeesh.

I got yelled at and picked on in German today. Very annoying. The Frau called me seductive and provocative and said she could see my underwear (because I had on a short skirt). I said, "oooh you cannot. What color is it?" And she and at least 3 others said "Green"...embarrassing. She made me move seats twice, once to sit in the corner and when Graham was flicking his eraser about and I was watching she yelled at me for cheating. She's also denying me an exam exemption. Meanie. And she yelled at me for spending "THIRTY minutes in the the bathroom" and that's why she got in trouble for sending me to the Faculty bathroom w/o an escort or pass. Seriously? It was like...2 minutes. I do not exaggerate.

I have a swim meet tomorrow. Somehow, magically, or not, my legs hurt from practice. That's odd as I'm a lazy bum and sit out half of practice. Well ok, not half. But a few laps. Lazy me.

I don't like swimming anyway.

I want to do a play.
And read "The Perks of being a Wallflower"
And go on a Spring Break trip
get a haircut
go to a FOB concert
dress uber hippie
play guitar in Asheville
feel good
get more sleep
drink more water
make more time for everyone in the universe
find perfect monologues
create perfect short/long essays for college
finish reading Hair and find the soundtrack
burn copies of "The Last 5 years", "Rent", and "Les Miz" and return them to their owners
burn "once upon a mattress" for Deanie
and eat yogurt every day
and perhaps an apple
but maybe not
and learn more Chuck Norris jokes

And at this moment, call Steven, find an outfit for tomorrow, dig around for change for breaky, and then sleeeeep. G'night ya'll lovelies.

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