Dec 29, 2005 11:14
I'm much poofier face-wise than I was yesterday
I guess that's ok. I'm not really in any pain.
I'm bored out of my mind, though.
Out of my mind.
One of those stupid *feelings*. Whatever. I'm sure it'll all be dispelled today.
I'm sure.
But, seriously, my face is like chipmunk city. And one side is more swollen than the other. Not lovely.
I need to have a New Years Eve Party
I think I know a place for one.
If not, I have another friend who is having one. I'm not sure if he'll let me bring "The Whole Gang" though. Perhaps. We'll see. I'll just hope that the other one works out.
I need to finish applications
No, seriously. I'm out of my mind for waiting this long. What was I thinking?
I'm so not going to get in ANYWHERE. ::sigh::
Especially with my PreCal grade as it is...
I should go work on that now.
And then shower.
And then dress.
And watch TV.
And wait to see my Lovuh.
If he still wants to see
(again, why can't people visit? Stupid people...)