(no subject)

Mar 22, 2007 15:45

90. First off, what is your name?

89. What did you do last night?
Playing with my phone, drawing, then beauford came in and fell asleep on me.

88. Have a crush?
Not at the moment.

87. Do you have any siblings?
Adam, John, and Afton.... in that order.

86. Where are you exactly?
In the basement

85. Favorite color(s)?
Orange, red, yellow, green, purple, blue... basically all the colors of the RAINBOW!

84. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say?
"can u tell them"
it was a text from my brother... He wanted me to tell my parents that he left the house.

83. Who sits infront of you in math?
A table?

82. Who sits to the left?
My Mom, usually.

81. Where is your dad right now?

80. Do you have any kids?
YES!! jk jk no.

79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
BATMAN (aka my brother John)

78. Closest black object?
Camera case... If you don't count the keyboard.

77. Closest silver object?

76. Have you ever jumped a fence for any reason?
Don't think so.

75. Do you sing in the shower?
YES!! Although I can hear myself very well, so I'm off key a lot. xD

74. Do you own any pets?
Cleo, beauford(cats), pinchy, zoidberg (crabs), Kira, Ho-jew(Betta fish) and a bunch of other un-named fish.

73. How does your hair look right now?

72. Last time you listened to country music?
When I was in texas.

71. If you were to find out you were pregnant what would you do?
I'd be scared shitless.

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
ALL THE CRIMINALS OF THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHA! *throws Death Note in the air*

69. Do you trust your friends?

68. What do you hear right now?
Animal Collective

67. How many drugs are in your system right now?
None.... that I know of.... _>

66. Would you move to another state or country to be with the person you love?

65. What are you wearing?
My sister's dress and some tights.

64. Who was the last person to comment you?
No idea.

63. Madonna or Janet Jackson?

62. Screamo or Country?
Screamo I guess?

61. Rock or Rap?

60. Chocolate or vanilla?

59. Who did you last call?

58. Who last called you?
Afton. xD

57. What jewlery do you wear daily?
currently, the ring my sister bought me.

56. What are you doing now?
Taking this survey.

55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
Afton, I think...

54. Would you die for someone?
Depends entirely on who it is.

53. If so, who?
I don't know!

52. Are you cold right now?

51. What do you smell right now?
Whatever my house smells like.

50. Do you have to pee right now?

49. What did you dream about last night?
Broken Social Scene was playing at Corn Fest.

48. What are you doing tomorrow?
Going to Megu's house!

47. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

46. Name one thing you would NOT tolerate in a relationship.
Like Elena said, cheating.

45. Can you deal with people who are too concerned with status?
If they're worried about their status, whatever, but if they're trying to change me or something... no.

44. Bedsheet color?

43. Are you afraid of falling in love?
I honestly think I'm not capable of doing so at this age.

42. Carpet or wood in your room?

41. Bad rumor about yourself that you've heard?
Uh....The only one I've heard was that I spit on someone, then said "OOPS, SORRY. HAHAH." then left. Of course the girl that started it is a crazy bitch, sooooo yeah.

40. Do you have makeup on right now?
Oooohhh yes.

39. Name one person that you could talk to about anything and everything

38. Can you do a cartwheel?
No... hahah... no.

37.What's your favorite candle scent?

36 Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Not that I can recall.

35. America or Canada?
Never been to canada, so I can't say.

34. What makes you mad?
A lot of things.

31. What qualities do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Hair and eyes. And they need a decent physique...

31. If you could say just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

29. Do you have socks on?

28. Do you own any big sunglasses?

27. Have you ever cried so hard you puked?
Woah, no. o_o

26. If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended period of time, who would you want to be there?
Everyone I care about.

25. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
No, because I don't have a crush.

24. What's on your mind right now?
Drawing? I don't even really know.

23. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
Oh, a lot of things.

22. Person who posted this before you?

21.Who knows you the best?
Probably my family. Lena and Magen know

20. Do you get along with your family?

19. Favorite TV show?
I dunno.

18. Do you like 80s movies?
If they're cheap enough that I can laugh at them.

17. What book are you reading now?
Some Titanic book.

16. Last two numbers in your cell phone number?

15. What kinda music do you like?
A lot of weird stuff. xD

14. Are you a crazy stalker?
I guess so. xDD

13. Best city you've visited?

12. Been to London?

11. Favorite subject at school?
Bowling. xDD

10. Best subject at school?

9. Been to college?

8. How long could you see you and your crush dating?
I don't know!! xD

7. Favorite time of day?
Right after I wake up.

6. Ever licked someones cheek?
Ew.... no...

5. Watch all spiderman movies?

4. One great ambition?
No clue.

3. What are you looking forward to?
Anime convention in september<3

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?

1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep?
I talk, yes. xD
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