The most random survey everWhat is the funnest word to say?:Bitch Do you hate it when people correct your grammar?:Depends Name a movie that was so bad, it made you laugh (or cry).:Plan Nine from outerspace What color of highlighter do you prefer?:Pink or yellow What is the weirdest thing you've ever done for money?:I dunno.. eat something funky? Can you tap dance?:No. Does green ketchup REALLY taste the same as regular ketchup?:I have no idea. What is the greatest invention ever made?:TOILETS! Seriously, think about it... What's your favorite disney movie?:I dunno. Do you still play with legos, or another childhood toy? (come on, admit it):I guess... I still like collecting stuffed animals if that counts. Are they Kleenexes or tissues?:Tissues. Do you have any weird sleeping habits?:If I fall asleep with ear plugs in, I'll wake up to find them gone. Do you ever see things in the corner of your eye & when you look its gone?:THAT ALWAYS HAPPENS when I'm on vacation. I keep thinking I see a cat... Do you have any irrational fears (for example the color purple)?:Not that I can think of. What is one song that you just can't help singing along to?:Mr. Brightside. Do toesocks bother you?:Putting them on, yes. What is the best month of the year?:September or December... When its raining do you have the urge to run outside and dance in it?:ALL THE TIME!! Have you ever dreamed that you could fly?:Millions of times. What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?:Hm... My dream about L when he said I make him think there's a waterfall.o_O Why do you spend your time filling out pointless surveys like this one?:Because I have nothing better to do. :D What is the one talent you wish you could have above all?:Hm... Song writing. Little eraser attached to the end of a pencil or big separate eraser?:Little eraser. Have you ever heard the same song on two radio stations at the same time?:Not that I can recall. How about 3 different radio stations?:No. o.O What is your favorite flower?:Morning Glories. I guess. What is your favorite weed? (I'm not talking about pot here):Those mustard ones... o_O Have you ever tried to paint like Bob Ross (the happy little trees guy) ?:Hell. no. xD What do you wish you could be doing right now?:Playing The Sims. Do you spend your life wishing?:Oh yeah. When did you find out the truth about santa?:I think I was 8. I straight up asked my Mom and she said "What do you think." Which is better - night or day?:Day. How much time do you spend on your hair each day?:10 minutes... 20 tops. Do you hate it when you're at a movie theatre & get stuck by the loud kids?:YYYESSSS. Or are YOU one of the loud annoying kids?:NO. Well. I was one time. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?:SINGAPURA! What's the weirdest music you've ever listened to?:What I'm listening to now. Animal Collective. xD Have you ever written your own survey?:No. I can't think of anything. About how many of these surveys do you think you've taken in your life?:Atleast 20. How about in the past week?:2. You're my second. Do you sing in the car and get strange looks from other drivers?:One time me and Afton were dancing in the car, and some guys slowed their cars down to watch us.... xD Do you talk to yourself?:Sometimes. It always feels weird, though. Do you like to read? What are you reading (if anything) right now?:Sometimes. Close your eyes. What do you hear?:Animal Collective. o_O
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