A Sense of Recognition

Aug 30, 2011 09:54

Original Post Date: August 2011

Rating: PG-15

Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto

Warnings: Weird writing style, non-graphic sex.

Notes: I was going to explain this a little, but I think it can speak for itself enough. I'd like to see what you think of it without an explanation (:

Summary: " His eyes open, disorientated; he doesn’t know where he is. "

I am making no money from this, all characters and ideas belong to their original creators, no harm intended.


His eyes open, disorientated; he doesn’t know where he is. Soft mattress beneath him, sweet-smelling sheets around him, warm air above him; a sense of recognition. Safety.

He’s forgotten why he needs to be safe.

A figure in the doorway, smiling, caring and something else. Soft touches; his skin is on fire. Hands and lips, belonging to both of them; everywhere. Aching arousal, need, want.

Ianto is guiding him and it feels wonderful.  Calming.

Slick fingers, hot hard flesh; all he is, all he will be, all he needs to be. Now. Moving, moving together until time stops.

His senses have taken over and now he just feels.

Pleasure; elation, calm and an odd sense of bereavement deep down somwhere. All he is and all he isn’t in one moment.

Now slipping away.

His eyes open, disorientated; he knows exactly where he is. Cold air, bare skin but not the same. A different room; miles away (it feels like lightyears) from comfort and dreams. Concrete and a cruel Master and months, months feeling like eternity.

The memory of the moment is gone, but the lost sensations linger until he feels cold steel again.

fanfiction, torchwood, jack, rating:pg-15, jack/ianto

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