april 2.0

Apr 08, 2010 00:24

I'm thinking about going really really blonde. Like a grayish white.
I'm just sort of.... chicken.
I've been a red head for about 4 years now and genuinly like it. I'm just a bit... bored, I guess.
And if I do want it red again, I'll just dye it back.
But I also don't really feel like going through the massive effort it is going to take to get me blonde. I can kick my hairs ass and it will still bounce back in an amazing way. 5 bleachins in one week is no problem as long as I use a shitload of conditioners and hair treatments between. But it means I'll be insanely ugly for about 5-10 days.

What to do?
Go whiteblond and have that 80's style I got going ring more of Madonna or stay red and have people refer to me as Cyndi?

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