Mar 16, 2005 12:10
Outbreak (
Black SS (super cool thrash band)
The Decline (buffalo hc band)
Outatime (new syracuse xxx band in the vein of cut the shit.. fast AND furious)
The White Out (new syracuse band - melodic fast core)
@ Mezzanote Café
First hardcore at Mezzanote. Started upstairs but moved down after The Deline because it was too loud. Downstairs is nice and fluffy. Not too impressed with Outatime or White Out, both new locals. Black SS and Outbreak were good though. Couldn't get in contact with mommy so I walked with Rich and Anthrax to Rich's house a few blocks away. Explored Rich's jesus themed bathroom and record collection then went to Cosmos. All the hardcore kids were there of course and the dude flipping burgers was going insane sort of. Porter was there and I talked to him a bit. Afterwards Rich took me home.