Okay it’s been a sucky week. REALLY SUCKY. I’m not going into details right now, maybe tomorrow. Instead, photos. From New Years and The Pancake Manor. Because Photos cheer me up.
P.s. If you haven’t already go see Brokeback Mountain
P.p.s or is it P.s.s?... Wil is a camera hog.
Dani, Codie and Wil
Dancing Chicken
Codie, Wil and Bon
Steph, Wil, Davina and Codie
Dani, Bon and Wil
Gelisa and Scott
Bon and Codie Skanking…sort of
Bon and Connor
Okay, this is really creepy. This is Connors leg where she had a bottle sitting on it, then when she picked up the bottle…BLAMO, smiley face, there on her leg. NOT SET UP I SWEAR
Bon and Jo
Some of the gang + some randoms. I don’t like randoms.
Teh Pancake Manor Sign
Another Pancake Manor sign. This one lights up, but is a little blurry.
Teh City from Teh Pancake Manor
Teh Inside of Teh Pancake Manor
Teh Pancake Manor Sugar… uh it’s a long story
Cool pic from the bus stop
Street Sign… it kinda reminded us of Team America, you know Dirkadirkastan… um we may have been drunk.