aaaaaaaaaaaaaand BEGIN!

Sep 12, 2004 01:49

What Would You do if ( Read more... )

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hehehehehe coruptdinocence September 16 2004, 23:52:22 UTC
What Would You do if...

I cried: hand u a tissue to wipe the tears
I said I liked you: call jerry springer
I kissed you: see above ^^
I was hospitalized: sit in the hospital till u recovered
I ran away from home: i woulda been hiding in the trunk of the car u stole so i wouldnt be left to deal with the family by myself =P
I got in a fight and you were there: kick sum ass
I got dumped: ask u how much force was neccesary to inflict on the poor lad
I pissed you off: beat the crap out of u, lmao, j/k
I tried to commit suicide: beat the crap out of u (no joke) lol
I thought I was pregnant: i buy u the home pregnancy test and if anyone saw, say its for kate =P
I told you I would never see you again: i would cry

What Do You Think Of My...

Personality: is fun
Eyes: are nice
Face: is pretty
Hair: u have gorgeous hair (very envious person here =P)
Clothes: they work for u =P
Voice: i see nothing wrong with it
Humor: is funny
Choice of music: u has good taste there
Mannerisms: what is this word? =P
Family: es muy loco
Friends: they seem kool
Decisions: are alright...i guess...i mean, if u insist on making them urself and all...=P
Butt: umm...
thoughts: u think of **** and thats pretty much ur thought process for the
Actions: umm...u kno how to have fun?

Would You...

Be my friend: sure
Tell me the truth no matter what: if u demanded so
Lie to make me feel better: yes, if i thought u needed it
Spread rumors about me: are they good rumors?
Keep a secret if I told you one: ive done it many times b4, y stop now?
Loan me some cash: sure, y not
Hold my hand: umm...ok
Take a bullet for me: maybe...ur assuming i dont have my own gun
Keep in touch: yup
Try and solve my problems: if u asked for my help
Love me: i do (in a plutonic way ofcourse)
Have Sex with me: i have no wish to make my tv debute on jerry springer thank u very much
Ditch me: nah
Use me: nope
Date me: no, we live in the city, not hicksville
Rape me: no, i still have my sanity
Beat me up: if u deserved it =P
Stand up for me when I wasn't around: yup
Change something about yourself to make my happy: maybe, depends what u want me to change
Try to change me for someone else: umm...y?
Brainwash me: sure, i'll make it so whenever u hear the word boy u'll cluck like a chicken...oh wait...thats hypnotism...=P
Force me to do something i didn't want to do: umm..i dont think so...but im sure it'll happen once or twice in our lifetimes


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