Dec 02, 2005 20:16
mmmk... my last update was October 12th!? Geezus, i've not been on here for a long time... and amazingly enough it doesn't seem like I've missed much.. heh.
Well anyway, here goes it.
I'm still working at Walmart, yes it's an evil empire but I'm slowly making my way inside... one day I'll take it over and then I will be one step closer to total World Domination! Muahahahahacoughcoughuggh...
I've been dubbed the "Walmart Pimp" due to both the amount of Hot Females that come into the store and talk to me, that I actually do know, and the number of Hot females that come into the store and whom I talk to that I really don't know.. yes I've been hit on quite a few times, and honestly I don't know why.. My only guess is my attitude has changed or they just like a guy in a black trenchcoat with a tongue ring heh.
Oh that's some news... a little while back, thanks to the coaxing of Michelle and Luke, I went from getting my Dragon tattoo (which was too damn expensive) to getting my tongue pierced.. and now I'm glad that I got it done. It's pretty cool.
Buttttt yeah.. that's me in a nutshell I guess.. I got about 30 minutes before I have to get ready for work.. Chelle is coming by tonight to hang out at work for a little bit, should be fun for a while. So.. see you happy people laters.