Apr 14, 2004 22:20
yah alright so I went to the mall with Missy, Mandy, Jenny, and chirstine...went by surf city squeeze. dood tells me to go back and talk to the manager...So I go back with my family tonight to the mall. I go back to meet the "manager" I get there and this china lady starts checking me out..Like what u see? damm. so she starts asking me if im ready for " ha'd wook" uh sure if u consider washing dishes and moping floors " ha'd wook".I do that shit allll the time at home. now thurs a job..chores my house..So i tell her im up for her " ha'd wook". and im 16 and baiscaly desperate or I wouldnt be kissing her asss. And then she asks me if I applied at other stores. Well yah..and then she goes off on me " well I no want you be train'd and lev meh.""Lada ha'd wook"..Yah okay 1st of all, Right I'm going to go apply to every store and PIMP my way around the mall. wtf? No lady gimme the job. Where it asked if i can speak a differnt language and if i was bilingal I should have marked "yes" and put ENGLISH.Seriously I could do her job better. gah so Trish just so happened to go into Claire's and findout they r highering! WEE they need people so i gave them an appilication and they said I'd get a call back..YES.
and I got a HAWT pink belt with studs and new black flip flops sence my metrosexual cat was jelous over em and tore them up . Im tired night <3