where i belong, with all erased

Dec 09, 2006 19:00

fucking drowning in this god damn process. should be impossible, as evolution/s seen fit to gift me with the gills, but still: it is.
oh, really? you don/t see it, huh? fancy that. color me surfuckingprised. where are we? i know, i know. we/re in the lost, but after a real honest acceptance isn/t there supposed to be a.... a something?
and don/t you dare try to pull that on this one, alright? i/ve been there, kid, so don/t even. cause, see, that/s the story with full circles. once you come around on it you can/t really tell who/s lapping who/s lapping who? except that you can. tell, i mean. and, ya know, sorry, cause: it ain/t you.
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