(no subject)

Sep 05, 2004 23:48

Name: Jen
Birth date: September 20, 1988
Birthplace: Riverhead, NY
Current Location: in my basement
Eye Color: dark blue
Hair Color: blonde
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: virgo

series two; - describe..
Your heritage: ummm german, scottish, irish, french, english and dutch
The shoes you wore today: I didn't wear shoes today
Your weakness: Cookies and Cream ice cream with peanut butter on top
Your perfect pizza: lots of cheeeeese and bacon!

series three - what is..
Your most overused phrase on aim: probably idk, haha and awesome
Your thoughts first waking up: I don't know, I'm very groggy in the morning.
The first features you notice in the opposite sex: face and body
Your best physical feature: ehh I don't know?
Your bedtime: whenever I feel like

series four - you prefer..
Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Adidas or nike: Adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: not a big coffee drinker

series five - do you..
Smoke: nope
Cuss: yeah
Sing well: hell no but I love singing anyways
Take a shower everyday: most days unless I don't feel like it and then I don't
Do you think you've been in love: yes
Want to go to college: yes
Like high school: yeah
Want to get married: yes
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes for the most part
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: not usually
Think you're a health freak: not at all
Get along with your parents: most of the time
Like thunderstorms: hell no I'm freakin scared of them
Play an instrument: nope I'm not musically talented

series six - in the past month, did/have you..
Smoke(d): no
Done a drug: no
Go to the mall?: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: yes!
Been in love: yes
Gone skinny dipping: I wish
Dyed your hair: no
Stolen anything: no

series seven - have you ever..
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no I'm so boring
If so, was it mixed company:
Been caught "doing something": not that I can think of
Been called a tease: yes
Gotten beaten up: no but some kid tried to beat me up and I kicked his ass... hold on I think there was more than one boy who tried to beat me up. :( that's so sad
Changed who you were to fit in: nope I don't do that

series eight - the future..
Age you hope to be married: well, I would need enough time to finish college with a career started and maybe start working for my doctorate... so whenever that is.
Numbers and Names of Children: I'd say 3 kids, maybe 4. I like a lot of names- Madilyn, Schyler (Skye), Maggie, Stella, Emily... Matthew, Daniel, Ryan, Eric
Describe your Dream Wedding: maybe in a church but maybe on a beach or overlooking the beach... I would have a really big pretty white wedding dress with a long veil and it would all be Cinderella-ish.
How do you want to die: in my sleep when I'm really old
Where you want to go to college: right now I'm looking into UMASS Amherst, Bridgewater and a few others in MA and CT.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Psychologist- not sure what field of Psychology yet though

series nine - opposite sex..
Best eye color?: doesn't matter to me just as long as they are nice eyes
Best hair color?: dark hair
"Short or long hair?: long, shaggy
Best height: taller than me
Best weight: I don't know... more than me
Best articles of clothing: what the hell I don't know
Best first date location: the beach
Best first kiss location: somewhere romantic

series ten - number of
Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
Number of people I could trust with my life: not too many.. maybe like 5
Number of CDs that I own: mucho
Number of piercings: 5
Where are they?: ears, sorry guys
Number of tattoos: 0 but I want one
What are they?:
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: a few
Number of scars on my body: not sure... one definitely on my forehead
Number of things in my past that I regret: 0

series elveven -Last...
dream: ummm it was weird I was in a car with Josh Carter, Julian Kramer and Jameson and we were going to my house. Yeah, it was weird.
car ride: coming home from Ocean Beach yesterday
time I cried: probably last night or something. PMS is a bitch
movie seen: Runaway Bride :D
Book Read: Where the Heart is
cuss word uttered: shit
beverage drank: twister juice
Food consumed: ice cream cake!!
Crush: uhhh... Steve? OR IS IT GLENN THE KITCHEN BOY?! MUHAHAHAHA I'm a loser, please ignore me.
phone call: Steve
TV show watched: don't remember
Item Bought: my new hermit crabs yesterday!!!
time showered: around 2pm today
shoes worn: my reef sandals
CD played: Bright Eyes- Fevers and Mirrors
downloaded: Postal Service
annoyance: my little brother!!!!!!!
big disappointment: uh...
soda drank: i didn't drink soda recently
thing written: recently
key used: y
words spoken: you
sleep: last night
weird encounter: some lady thought my cousin and I were twins on Friday
Store Shopped at: B+B at the shore
ice cream eaten: vanilla and chocolate with the chocolate crumblies- ice cream cake fuck yeah
time amused: very recently when I thought I was clever for the following statement
PinkSugar024: i asked if you wanted to hang out with me today and you said you had homework... more like HOEWORK
(I won't elaborate. Just know I am loser with no friends. haha)
time hugged: last night
underwear worn: um the ones I'm wearing right now
shirt worn: white tanktop
class attended: photo on the last day of school in June but actually I kinda cut it and went to Lark's English class
Final taken: Math B regents
time dancing: 2 seconds ago hahaha
poster looked at: the Marilyn Monroe poster I bought for Steve
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