Dec 28, 2004 08:10
yesterday was nuts. did all my xmas shopping, hung out with my mom, went to the doctor, and hung out with all my friends. girl shannon has a new apartment and we went to visit. their cat is sooooo cute and sweet :) awww... the doctor told me i have a heart murmur which so isnt a big deal, but it makes me have to come back home sometime in january to get a heart xray. stupid coming home. my shingles are acting up again just from this one day home. stupid shingles.
were about to leave for vabeach. the plan: today we have lunch w/ my uncle dean and his wife doronda. where my dad will eat with his fingers and they will brag about how well theyre doing and itll prolly suck. then its the holiday party with my sisters and nieces and nephews. that should be pritty fun, i love alla them. its just weird since we moved fr va beach. we went from all hanging out all the time to nothing... i dont know any of them anymore. then the next day i get to hang out with christy! wooo! that should be awesome bc anytime with any 1010ers is the best! the next day i go to my dads friends retirement party. they used to work together and the company forced my dad into retirement and prolly is doing the same to this guy. my dad wrote a speech and i think hes gonna tell alla them off. so that should be way fun... or at least interesting.
i dont know... i should be looking foward to all of this... it doesnt sound bad, i just really dont want to stay in another hotel. i just wanna go home (farmville) and sleep in my comfy bed and have my constant internet access and have alla yall around. well with the exception of christy, im really excited about that, havent seen homegirl in forever.
anyway my new years resolution is to not drink every day. im a little scared im turning into an alcoholic. ive never thought alcholicism is a bad thing as long as you dont have kids and yr not a mean drunk... but i dont want my life to be like that. im out of control when i drink. but at the same time... fuck it, its my last semester of college and i want to party it away! there will have to be some kind of balance.