Dec 19, 2004 15:56
ok kids so here it is
Hannukah was last week i think and that was great i got a labtop and named her Charlie i got many a thing
OOO i went to Jimmy Kimmle and saw SUM 41, they're accually pretty good, with the one and only michelle and rufus
then last monday my mother broke up with sel for like the 1 billionth time but this time she said it was for real that there was no chance of getting back together.
heres the really freaky part:
i found out that sel trapped my mom in the house and wouldnt leave for and hour and tried to break in while my mom was hiding in the bathroom
i also found out that he followed (and still does) her around when she was with her friends
he still drives by every 10 minutes it seems and he calls all the time
so my mom went to the police staion and told then what was going on and they told her that we need to change all the locks, numbers, and sn and EVERYthing and they said the next time he shows up to call them and they will arrest him and all that good stuff...
so nothing to exciting my my household
i will love ne one who reads all of that bc i almost got bored writing it lol
well im off to the movies with my dear friend
i love u all
o and my mom had to spend the night at her friends house bc she was so freaked out lol