Dec 30, 2004 17:29
let me fill you in on the week so far..
monday evening:
went to ivys...we watched scary movie (duh!) and then played the sims..ate lots of coffee ice cream adn talked for a really long time haha..then we made a collage of ourself adn edited us into funny pics..then we watched her camp year book...then it was really really late adn she had her vidio camera so we decided to make a documentery of our starts off with ivy doing the weather forcast and its really funny..then it goes to me singing "your a mean one, mr.grinch" and dancing really funny..then i think it goes to ms.feldmans class..i was ms.feldman and ivy vidio taped me and she would talk..."ms feldman" "yes ivy?" "can i get a tissue?" "no ivy" " ms. feldman?" " yes ivy" hahahah then it goes to ivy pulling things out of a bag and all the things in there were stuff that had to do with hebrew school like mr. rodgers ("he doesn't know") and stuff liek that...then she was wonpyo and i would tap her and say "wonpyo" in a really annoying voice" and she was dressedd up HYSTERICALLY and she would say "I TODL YOU NOT TO DISTURB ME WHEN IM CLEANING MY ROOM!" then ...well w/e its really long and its really really funny so you shoudl ask ivy if you can watch it.
absolutely nothing..
hung around during the day and then went to alex's at5:30 just to hang was me, cyndi, ivy, sam and alex. we ordered chinese food and watched shreck 2..then her cousins came over. we all had a pillow fight against her cousin was really fun adn i kept hitting him with this frog thingy that really hurt. then alex asked her mom and me, sam, and ivy slept over. alex has a aero inflateable double bed and so we would have it half way inflated and oen person would lay on one side while the other person (or 2 people) would jump on the other side and the person laying down would go flying up! it was so much fun and ivy took a lot of pics on heer camera..we stayed up really late and then went to sleep
ivy left at 9am and me, alex, and sam slept till 12:15. we got up and had pancakes and then we thought that there was a fire at someones house on smith street so we decided to walk was cold...there was no fire. we came back and had more fun on the aero inflateable was very fun and i am now very tired.