woo hoo! Also, WTF!?

Jan 04, 2010 16:22

bad news first: WF fucked up on my student loan again. I have officially decided to switch to Patelco. I'm pissed. Fortunately I have the personal line for the guy who supposedly "fixed" it last time, so I left him a very professional message....and I can afford to pay tuition until I get my loan.

better news: I leave for mexico in a few hours! Radio silence starts now, though I wil probably tweet some stuff.

GREAT NEWS!: I got a B in Civil Procedure!!! I'm so happy with that. Sure, an a would have been great, but whatever! I haven't gotten any other grades, and I am NOT allowed to check them while I'm on vacation. I'm guessing I got straight "b"s, which is pretty damn great for my first semester!!!

so, talk to ya all later!
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