Jun 18, 2005 18:05
I'm scared shitless and i'm excited beyond words. In 20 days i will be released from legacy sober living on good behavior. I'm probabably going to move out on my own or i'll get a crazy/gay ass room mate. Either way, it's new. I'm getting freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility. I've put a jump start on my studies because i am not fucking this up. This is what i thought about back in the day. I told molly my very skewed view of things under my pool table and how things would be in my perfect world (Nacho cheese and anarchy.) This is what i want. Stability, accountability, not to mention the material bullshit - car, phone, pad. The material shit doesn't really matter though, it won't fix me. Certainly it makes me excited but i have to look to God to feel better. Never steered me wrong. In all seriousness this is what i want. Fuck, i got my dad's car back. For those of you who know the story, that's no small feat. I'm also scared though, whenever things go good for a while, i find some stupid ass way to fuck it up. I can't afford for that to happen, this is the beginning of real life for me, and so far, it's fuckin amazing. WU-TANG!!!!!