Aug 15, 2007 23:48
I don't have a top 6... sooo... i will replace the others.
DON'T change your myspace top 6!
- Fill the people in below!
- Answer the questions truthfully..
1. Jenny
2. Darla
3. Kerry
4. Ross
1. Have you ever danced with 3?
hahahahahah yeah. EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! It's our tokin' up song. haha.
2. Where did you meet 1?
South Side Middle School.
3. Have you ever got drunk with 4 ?
Nope. Probably never will. Drinking is gross.
4. Has 2 ever been to your house?
Duh. We are gonna live together soon. :]
5. What do you think of 4?
Well... I'm in love with him... and he's one of my best friends... so i think very highly of him.
6. Have you ever gone shopping with 3?
7. Have you ever seen 2 in a swim suit?
8. Have you ever met 1's family?
yeeeah... shit... they're fucking NUTS. Craziest people I've ever met.
9. Do you know 4's middle name?
Edward. :]
10. Have you ever eaten anything in front of 3?
yeah. duh.
11. Do you trust 2?
With my life.
13. Have you ever fought with 1?
of course.
14. When was the last time you talked to 4 in person?
oh god.. like... may?
15.Are any of the 6 family?
Better than family.
16.who makes you laugh the most?
Jenny/Kerry (they come together) but Darla comes pretty close. haha.
17. Have you ever done something dangerous with 1?
tons of things. lol
18. Ever slept in the same bed as 2?
of course.
19. Do you think 1 and 3 would make a good couple?
they were meant for each other. :]
20. Would 4 do anything for you?
Hmm... within reason, i think so.
21. Has 3 ever helped you out?
Yes, he has.
22. Ever slept with 4?
NEVER! *dies laughing* Best sex i've ever had... he knows it, too. ^_~
23. What are y our feelings for #1?
We are best friends... and sisters pretty much... i'd give my life for her.
24. Which have you known the longest?
Darla... known her my whoooole life.
25. Who have you known the shortest?
26. Have you kissed any of them?
Jenny a few times, Darla a few times (just being stupid.. not in an "i want you" way), Kerry I havent ever and will never kiss... lol, and Ross.. well.... mmmm. hahahah
27. Has anyone in your top 6 seen you cry?
All of em.
28. Have you done anything illegal with 1?
Everytime we hang out. haha
29. Will 1 - 6 repost this?