May 05, 2004 22:06
its thundering and lightinning crazily right now at the moment. im scurred! ahhh i acutally havent heard a thunderstorm in a while its nice i like it haha im weird. anywhooo i just been browsing the web looking at colleges that i wanna apply to. im gunna start applying i think in the summer cuz people say its beetter to do it now and get it out of the way. im takin the SAT's in june in matawan. wtf. i dont even know how to get to matawan which is sad cuz i kno my way around just about anywwhereee. but yeah so i really am lookin into monmouth university i enjoy it. its close. i used to live in west long branch so i kno the area oh soo well. and i wont have to live far away frmo home cuz its like 20 mins away. which i like cuz i get homesick easily :/
but enough about college crap cuz i dont wana think about that right now.
today me and nick bonded since we havent chilled in like 3 days. we hit up jfreeze and i helped him practice his driving cuz my baby is gunna be gettin his permit next week! woohoooo!
yeah so i got into a lil fender bender tuesday. my front bumper is fucked up now so on monday it wil be gettin fixed and i wont get it back till wwednesday or thursday. $1700!!! ahhhhhhh i wont be tinting my windows or gettin my rear spoiler for a while now :( my poor carrrrr
this weekend me and nick are hopefully hittin up six flags and the safari! yayyyy i never been to the safari so it should be interesting experience for me. im excited :) he also has a show saturday night so thats where we will beeeee.everyone should go see the years gone by cuz they kick ass and the singer is a hottie<3
but anywaaaaaaaaaaaay im going to return to doing nothing and wait for nickolas to get out of the shower so we can chat and i can lay in my comfy bed.
per one. chemistry misses clarky! ALOTTTTTTTTTT :*(
monday-may 10th uh oohhhhhhh 5 monthsss ;)
<3madore raymond nickolas*nickolas raymond madore<3