another break in the Rant

Apr 22, 2008 15:41

Another happy thought.

watched two Great movies this week.
last thursday we watched the New version of 3:10 to Yuma.
I'm not a Russel Crowe fan, but even *i* thot the character he portrayed was charming smooth and definitely capable of inspiring a band of blood-thirsty killers. It was really a good depiction of an inhumane creature with very human wants and dreams.

And Christian Bale is just a DAMN good actor.

For you firefly fans, Wash was the dr, and for you old school innlost'ers.

He was a Veterinarian. The line "Wait, what kind of Doctor are you?!?" made me giggle a LOT. ;)

On to the main event.

I got Sweeny Todd 2disc for my Bday(thnx Tina-babe!). Watched it last night. ZOMG!!!
It was Freaking AWESOMES. It's a great characterization of a good person that has his Humanity stripped from him with inhuman choices. Almost all of the character arcs go nearly full circle (it's a tragedy so they all fall tantalizingly short of a "perfect circle") and Todd's absolution is bound up in multiple story arcs that come to a resolution in a final, bloody act.

The movie is rated NC-17 for graphic violence and inappropriate content. There is a lot of stuff that is suggestive of some Disturbing themes (like Cannibalism, duh). It's a mature movie, but some younger viewers may not catch the worst hints. Definitely appropriate for the Vampire crowd.

As the song goes "It's a Man eat Man world out there, my dear. Whom are we to deny such a thing in here?"

Freaking Awesome.
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