Title: The Days are Long
Pairing: Zemyx
Disclaimer: KH isn't mine, isn't mine.
Rating: PG (Demyx swears once, because he, like I, is classy as fuck)
Summary: The day’s lazy haze of heat was being dispelled by the stiff breeze, and Demyx leaned comfortably back into his boyfriend’s arms.
Author's Notes: This is for
theplumtomato's prompt of " I request a fic of either Seiner or Zemyx, on their fourth anniversary. All cuddles and lovings and happy happy times (or in the case of Seiner, badly disguised sap XD)" I picked Zemyx, because my OTP needs its lovin'. And somehow, this morphed into a sequel-thing to
Silence is Golden. I'm just not going to question my brain anymore.
Title is from the translation of Flugufrelsarinn by Sigur Ros.
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"Not much has changed in four years, has it, Zexion?" * * * * * *