Nov 11, 2004 16:03
Got a new picture for my journal entries, like it? Anyway, I'm so glad the week's over for me! After I get my work done for the weekend, I'll have the weekend to celebrate! Maybe this weekend would be a good one to finally get that tattoo. But, you know how it is, I get thesee grand ideas, but for one reason or another, won't be able to go through with it. I dunno, though. This idea's been cooking for a while, so who knows, it might happen sooner or later. Other than that, I talked to my parents the other day, and it looks I'll be going down south for Thanksgiving. I heard my grandmother got a pair of tiny little kittens a week ago! I look forward to seeing them and of course, eating lottsa turkey, potatoes, sweet yams, and... other... Thanksgiving... stuff.