Jan 10, 2006 23:59
tonight i started cleaning my room
its something i always start and never finish
i think its because i end up getting emotional at some point and just cant keep going.
tonight i thought i'd go through some clothes i have boxed up which i really need to get rid of..
i discovered that i have a strong emotional attachment to some of these clothes
i'd pick up a piece of clothing and a rush of memories would come
whether it was just that 'i used to love that skirt'
or 'that top always made me feel so good about myself'
or 'i went to do blah blah with blah blah in those shorts'
(or i threw up at a party while flirting with a cute boy in that top... hahaha uhh)
or the shorts that i wore in and out of my big days
or the first pair of size 12 pants i bought after i lost weight
(which i put on and over christmas i seem to have grown back into them.. haha)
it seems like clothes are almost like photos..
not that i'd want to see how i looked in them
but i dont feel like i have nearly as strong attachment to the stuff i've got now to what i had back then. maybe coz i couldnt buy it all myself whenever i wanted
i dont know.
i'm just finding it really bizarre
and i know i have to get rid of them
but i cant just throw them out
i dont know anyone who would want them
but i want them to go to someone who will love them
i think i'll put a lot of it on ebay
not that getting money justifies my "loss"
but it makes me feel like the person who is getting them actually wants them
and might love them.
i'd love to go through and try them all on, on the off chance that some of it might still look good
but i've already kept it all for a couple of years
if i havent worn it by now i'm not going to wear them
like those pants which still have the tag on.
what a waste...