Misotheist: A person who believes that God exists and hates God.
The motivation for many misotheists is human suffering. They see people suffer and ask why an all-powerful deity would allow such suffering to exist? Others point to the many divine actions in the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other holy books where God deliberately harms people. A few misotheists believe God is indifferent to human suffering, or created humans for ulterior motives.
Some known misotheists (or people thought to be misotheists):
- Job's wife. (Known for telling her husband after he suffered one calamity after another that God is not worthy of worship.)
- Nobel Peace Prize winner and Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel. (He wrote that he could not come to disbelieve in God, but could no longer love God after living though a Nazi death camp.)
- One of the founding fathers of the USA, Tom Paine. (Thought to be a misotheist based on his book, The Age of Reason.)
- Author Salman Rushdie.
- Another author, Anne Provoost.
Are you a misotheist?
If somebody could prove the existence of God, would you become a misotheist?