Just started reading Dan Brown's biggest competitor, Tim Lahaye ("Left Behind"), since even some Protestant clergy feel he tweaks the facts to suit the story, as Brown has been thus accused. I just wanted to drop this little tidbit I found:
" - attended Bob Jones University in South Carolina. Bob Jones is a Fundamentalist school known for intense
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Hmmm; Stephen King produced a much - so far as I've read ("Assassins") - oh, keeedies', scaaarier AntiChrist than did Lahye & Jenkins, in his work The Stand. I was hoping Carpaethia's taking of Hattie would resemble the eventually meeting between Nadine Cross & Randall Flagg (" - Hattie screamed when she saw what Nicolae had..."
Oh for some decent Left Behind pr0n. Hmm...
Gosh, it would be easy to turn The Stand into a comedy:
FLAGG: I've been waiting for you, baby! Let's get this on! *unzips* Feast your eyes on my magnificence!
NADINE: Uh ... where's the rest of it?
FLAGG: What do you mean, "the rest of it"? Fear me!
NADINE: I guess I just expected ... something ... more.
FLAGG: Shut your mouth, virgin. My demonhood is terrifying.
NADINE: Hey, I may be a virgin in the loosest, most technical sense of the word, but I know a baby's penis when I see one.
FLAGG: Well there goes my erection. Good one, Nadine.
- been at this wa-a-ay too long. .
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