So, things have been alright lately!
My birthday just passed, it was pretty good! :) I got a bunch of gift cards because nobody knows what to get me and Dan got me a digital camera!
Christmas is soon, I really need to get some shopping done, I'm so last minute about everything!
I'm starting to have some girl problems again, for a while I was feeling really well... I guess we will just see what happens!
Things with my Dad are the same, nothing is changing! It's bothering my little brothers a lot and that hurts me but otherwise I don't really care!
My dog is growing up really quickly! Here's a picture of him...
I was supposed to see my cousins but some stupid drama happened! :( It really breaks my heart, I love them all to death! I wish everyone could just get a long! Ugh!
I have 2 baby cousins on the way! :) One will be here next month and the other in about four months, the dissapointing news is that they are both boys! :( Oh well, they will still be fun! I love babies!!!
Well, I'm out for now...
Love you all! :)